Saturday, August 31, 2013

Putting It All Out There

First of all, I know I come up with the most lame titles for my blogs EVER.  They're TERRIBLE!  That's ok though, I hope you guys can make it past the title into the content because whenever I write a post, I really write from my heart.

So I've been on "Thrive" vitamins for nearly 10 days now.  I've lost 8 lbs. (Still at 8)  My whole family has been sick with a pretty bad cold for the last few days and I finally came down with a fever and stuffiness yesterday.  It's gone today though.  I feel great!  So great, I'm going to go out and weed my yard.  (My yard is horrid!  Half acre lot that I haven't had time to take care of much this year.)  I'm actually ready to go and feel positive that I can accomplish a lot out there today.  Which... is different.  Usually the prospect of weeding my humongous yard would leave me in fetal position, crying and terrorized.  Not today though!  It sounds like... fun?  Yeah... fun is the right word.  What HAVE these vitamins done to me?

I'm not sure how a lot of this works but I think the reason I haven't lost more weight is because my body has been working overtime to fight off this virus.  I mean... it would make sense to me that any nutrition would be used to fix something before it can move on to releasing more of my body fat.  Not being sick may not sound like a big deal but... I'm a Mom of 4 (yes FOUR) kids and I've been able to take care of everyone while they're sick and feel pretty top notch most of the time.  If you've ever been a sick mommy and tried to take care of your sick kiddos (let's face it... the husband is the WORST to take care of when he's sick) then you know how great it is to feel 100% and be able to take on the task of fevers, runny noses, coughs, dinner, still working, no sleep, controlling fighting kids because no one feels well, patting your husbands forehead and saying "Poor little bunny."  Hehehe...  Anyway... it takes a lot to not want to run into the bathroom, lock the door and scream "Serenity Now!"  Not that I've uh... ever... done that.

Anyway, I'm going a little off topic.  I've been thinking last night about this whole thing.  I'm not great at "selling" anything.  I can only tell you about my own experience and share the experience of others.  I hate "fake sales people" that don't care and only want money from you.  I can only "sell" something that I love.  I used to sell Pampered Chef because I LOVED their products.  Selling it gave me a way to support my habit of buying the kitchen gadgets that I love and it was so easy to tell people about the products, because I just talked about how I used them, what I loved about them.  It was natural.

I feel very much the same with Thrive.  The vitamins, the shake, the patch... together they have made an unbelievable difference in my life.  I am so incredibly thankful for them.  If you haven't read my posts up to this point then I encourage you to start at the beginning of my journey and read my thoughts and feelings about this and how it has literally, changed my life.

You'll see from one of my previous posts how much I hate the words "Multi-Level Marketing" and I was going to steer clear of talking about that altogether.  "It's the product that I love and I'm not trying to get people to sell it" was my whole motto.  Then as I was falling asleep last night I thought... maybe "selling it" could change someone's life equally as much as the vitamins do.  The company is pretty cool and the more I learn about the program and how it works, I am more and more amazed at how much this company can offer.  They have higher commissions, incentives to work toward.  Things like iPad's and free cars that you can qualify for and... they all seem like they're within reach.  Not something that no one ever gets.  I've honestly never been a part of a MLM and the more I think about it, the more brilliant I actually think it is.

For example:  If I invented a product.  Something great.  How would I get people to know about it?  There's the very expensive route of commercials and advertisements but something like this, maybe the best way is word of mouth.  I can't think of a better way to get people to talk about it then for people to TRY it, love it, want to tell everyone about it (like me) but then also offer those people an incentive for going out and doing it.  Give them a cut of the profits.  It's actually a pretty brilliant business model.  (I know, I think I might be changing my opinion of MLM's.  Scary!)

I'm still not going to push it but if this is something that you would like to know about, please contact me and I'll get you the information you need.  This company JUST STARTED, it's based in Utah (where I am) and we are very much at the beginning stages of what I feel like, is something huge.

I'm not promising you'll be a millionaire, (I'm not yet and it's been TEN WHOLE DAYS!)  :D  I'm not promising anything actually and I really believe you get what you put into something.  I will say that talking about this, has been easy for me because I really, truly love it.  I'm still in shock and awe over the difference I feel in my physical and mental life.  It has been an answer to many prayers and I'm so thankful for it.

My website is

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