Friday, August 23, 2013

Bad Words

Before I start saying bad words.... I'd like to give you an update on how things are going.  I woke up this morning and didn't feel any different.  I wasn't very excited to weigh, took a deep breath and was nearly cringing while waiting for the number to come up on the scale because I didn't FEEL skinnier.  Risking one eye to look... I was standing in shock.  206.0  What?  Really?  I lost 2 more pounds!  That. Is. Awesome.  I didn't really know what to do but stand and stare and shake my head in disbelief.  I've lost six pounds now in five days.

I know I should be excited but... I keep waiting to be let down.  I keep thinking that any moment now, all of this awesomeness will stop, or go backwards and I'll suddenly gain weight.  Why do I have this fear?  Because every single time I've ever gone on a "diet plan", that is exactly what has happened.  I just keep saying to myself... if that happens?  That's OK.  I feel amazing!  ANY weight loss is just a perk.

OK.  I'm about to say some very naughty words.  BEWARE!

HOW MUCH DOES IT COST?-  Bad Words #1 :)

One of the first questions I asked my friend after she started telling me about Thrive... How much does it cost?  Her :"Well for a 30 day supply? About $100-$150 dollars."  Me:  Whoa! I can't afford it so I probably shouldn't even try it."  (I remember thinking "Even if it was only $30, I couldn't afford it.)  Her: "Oh just try it... you'll be amazed at how much you'll save on food."  Me: (Rolling eyes.) Alright, but seriously.  We're super poor.  I really can't afford it, I hate to waste any of your vitamins.

Well... you all know how that went.  I love it so much I would sell things around my house to buy it monthly.  But I've been thinking about it today, and maybe I won't have to sell my first born after all! (She'll be so pleased.)

I need numbers.  I like to do the math, I like to know everything to the penny.  I budget.  That's me.  So, let's say like it costs me the max for 1 person.  $150/month.

Now I'm going to go really conservative on the rest of these figures.  We all know I was taking a depression medication, that I'm not now.  (Hallelujah!)  My portion of that was $20/month.  (For half the year)  If you go off of the other half of the year where I hadn't met my deductible yet?  It's $80/month.  I met my deductible in June.  Let's average those months out... so $50/month.

I was drinking 3-4 Pepsi's a day (on a good day)  That equals about $2/day.  $60/month.  (What?!  I never thought about that.  OUCH!)  In fact, I'm mostly drinking water.  Not milk, chocolate milk, Pepsi, Juice, Soda, etc...  Just water.

Breakfast-  The shake is my breakfast.  I always TRIED to have a good breakfast before.  I always TRIED To include a protein and a fruit or vegetable.  Then there were days when I was grabbing a granola bar or a bowl of cereal while I'm running out the door.  Maybe if I averaged it out?  $1.50?  (That's IF I never went out to grab breakfast.)  $1.50/day = $45.00/month.

Lunch and Dinner- I'm just not that hungry.  Honestly.  I eat significantly less than I did.  If I went out to a fast food or restaurant I would probably get the sandwich but not a side of fries.  I could probably eat the dinner salad but not the meal, etc...  Now, I don't go out to eat normally so that's hard to really go off of.  I do cook but for example, yesterday, I made tuna sandwiches with fresh tomatoes from our garden, we had peaches and I also bought potato chips.  I had just a couple of chips.  I ate one sandwich where I normally would have still been hungry after ate another.   I'm not sure how to figure or weigh this and it goes for lunch and dinner.  I'm just going to say... $1/day on average is saved on food?  $30/month.

I think you could all agree that these are super conservative figures?  So let's do the math.

Prescription drugs-$50
Food Savings-$75.00
Total Savings?-185.00

So...according to these figures, I'm actually SAVING myself about $35.00/month.  Not losing money.  Saving.  Even if you think my figures are off or let's say like... you don't have $50/month in prescriptions?  This would only cost you $15/month.    FIFTEEN DOLLARS PER MONTH to feel like a million bucks!  So worth it!

MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING (MLM)- Bad Words #2 (The mother bomb of bad word, at least for me.)

Every time I hear the words "Multi-Level Martketing" I vomit a little bit in my mouth.  I HATE this type of thing.  HATE isn't quite a nice enough word.  I'm filled with images of one of my Mother-In-Laws slimy neighbors trapping us in her driveway and telling us we would be STUPID if we didn't get in with "such and such company".  Uh... I guess we're stupid!

The thought of trying to get your friends signed up under you so that they are forced to go out and sign up other people and so that you can become a millionaire overnight?  GAG!  Are they really friends when you haven't talked to them since High School and they suddenly call you up and you're all excited because you haven't talked to them in forever and then they do their "sales pitch" and then you're thinking... "So THIS is why you called me. Not to catch up, not because you were thinking of me.  You want to make MONEY off me."  It's just awkward for everyone!

So... I'm telling you right now.  I am not here to get you to "join my team" or "sign up under me".  I will not corner you in a dark alley and call you stupid if you don't try my product or want to be a millionaire when you wake up... uh... because you won't be a millionaire when you wake up.  Well... unless you already are a millionaire, then you will be... still... maybe.  Anyway the point is... I'm not telling everyone about these vitamins for any other reason than... I tried them.  I loved them.  They made a huge difference in my life and if they did for me?  Maybe they will for you too!

To learn more about this product, like my FB page.:
OR check out my website.:

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